Thursday, March 24, 2011


Monday, March 07, 2011

Isaak returns and I catch him up on the paint issues.  Everything has a domino effect.  Since there are no mouldings Isaak cannot finish the living room.  Since the mouldings are not installed the painter cannot get started in the living room and stairway.

A highlight from last week!
Our Powder Room vanity!

Isaak spent the morning removing the cupped tile in the powder room.  Now we wait for the new tile to arrive and hope it is not curved.  After that was complete Isaak decide to install the floor tile in the powder room.  The small tile was enough to drive Isaak a little crazy. 

We come home to find a beautiful new powder room floor.  The tile needs time to set up therefore we cannot walk on it.  Tomorrow it should be dry and set enough to grout.   The tile is fantastic and we are so glad we selected it.

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Not much on the agenda today.  Isaak grouted the powder room floor.  He completed a few odds and ends and then had to pack up his truck with all of his tools.  Tomorrow we start working on the kitchen floor, so the entire first floor has to be emptied again.

the new powder room floor! 
and no that is not the new throne!


Wayne & I spent most of the evening clearing out the first floor.  Isaak has removed all of his tools and I have packed up the powder room and the back porch.  Wayne is busy rolling up the rubber mats.  Let the vacuuming begin!  It is time for a seriously cleaning of the floors before our artist arrives tomorrow to create a floor design for us.  It is amazing how much dog hair the house accumulates.

The last evidence of Isaak's helper.

It winds up being a late night and we are both a little sore and very tired.

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Today was an exciting morning.  Dave was here to lightly sand the kitchen floor area in preparation.  Seems like the serious deep clean last night was for naught.  No Isaak until the floors are done.

Tomi from Art, etc. arrived with Joe to create a checkerboard on our kitchen floor.  Tomi and I reviewed some color choices for the contrasting squares.  I was amazed and impressed at the amount of time and calculations require just to layout the pattern.  I believe they arrived around 9am.  By the time I left at 11:00am Tomi and Joe were just starting to tape off the squares.

Calculating measurements

Snapping chalk lines

Spots before my eyes!

More blue tape

The first finished square

After a few meetings I call to check on the progress and they are just finishing up taping.  It is almost 3:00pm.  Wow, this is more work than I expected!  Tomi stained one square and Joe sends pictures via e-mail/smartphone.  The color is great!  Not too dark or not too light.  Tomi and Joe continue to stain the squares and remove the tape at the same time.  They finish up around 6pm just as Wayne arrived home.  He could see the floor from the front door and was absolutely amazed, and I happened to be on the phone with Tomi at the same time, while Joe was sending me pictures.  Technology is awesome!  Tomi & Joe are thrilled to get both of our reactions at the same time.  We expect this to be dry by Thursday, and then Dave can come back and completely finish off the first floor with the final polyurethane coats.

a view from the front door

I have a morning seminar at one of our cabinet manufacturers, west of Reading, PA; so the dogs and I head out to spend the night at Mom’s in PA.  This will cut my morning travel in half and keep the dogs away from the wet checkerboard.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Nothing is scheduled for today.

Wayne gives me a call when he got home and says the floor is still tacky.  It looks like we will have to give it another day to dry.  I suggest to Wayne to turn up the heat. 

Friday, March 11, 2011

I head to the office from PA.  Fred and Roxie are happy to stay with their cousin Cooper.  Later in the day I stop by to see the floor.  This is the first time I get to see the floor in person…wow!  The pictures were great, but to see it up close is truly amazing.  Thanks Tomi & Joe!

I think the floor is still a bit tacky.   Dave says he will stop by later in the day and check it out. 

Dave calls and says it is definitely a no go!

Looks like another weekend of waiting, at least the floor looks beautiful!

PROGRESS Prevails,
but is still tacky!

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