Sunday, February 13, 2011


Monday, January 31, 2011

Today is a tape and spackle day!  Not that exciting to write about.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Today is another tape and spackle day!  Isaak out of here early to be with his dad; Nachum is having one of his lungs drained today.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Challenging weather once again!  A very icy morning, but Isaak is here.  Nachum’s procedure went well! 

Isaak’s helper is not here due to weather conditions.  I wait for the plow and head to the office.  Glad that the cabinets were not being delivered today!

Wayne is busy emptying out his closet again.  Isaak is planning on getting new sheetrock installed in the closet to close up the areas that were cutout for the air conditioning ducts.

Just a little ice!

When I got home today I found all of Isaak’s tools in the powder room, and the closet repaired with new sheetrook.  Now it is up to us to make sure everything else is gone and we are prepared for Dave, our flooring guy!  The old metal stair railing comes down and I drill out the old stair spindles so Dave can finish the stairs too.

Thursday, February 03, 2011

It’s a little strange not to have Isaak here in the morning.  I missed our chat time while having breakfast.  Since the floors are being done today it is important to have all three dogs out of the house.  They will not handle the noise well and they have not met Dave yet.  So Wayne drops off Fred and Roxie at the showroom on his way to work, and I keep Cooper at the house with me.

Cooper is a country dog who has free range outside.  He also has an aversion to UPS trucks and likes to attack them and jump in the truck scaring the drivers.  Dave has a similar truck because it houses a dustless sanding system for the wood floors.  I asked for a heads up as so I could get Cooper in my car before he the truck arrived.  You could hear Cooper's discontent when the the truck arrived and everyone wonder why my car was moving and shaking!

Dave arrived late morning with the new white oak for the kitchen.  We went with white oak to match the existing floors.  Dave’s challenge today is to weave the new floor into the old floor.  This is not an easy job since our existing floors are over 77 years old.  The old wood becomes a little brittle over the years.

Around 5:00 I called Dave to make sure it was clear to bring the dogs back to the house.  I packed all three dogs in the car and headed home to find the floor feathered into the dining area and stretching across the room to the side door.  It looks fantastic!  Time to pack up for tomorrow’s trip.

Friday, February 04, 2011

Today we woke up early and packed the car up with the dogs and a weekend bag.  Dave arrived around 9 with his crew to install the remainder of the flooring.  He put down three different stains to see which color we liked best.  Wayne chose the Early American and I chose the Provincial.  Dave helped us compromised by mixing the two together for Early American Provincial!  With that completed off to the office we went with the dogs not to return until Sunday. 

Why Sunday?  Once the floor was installed, all areas of the living room, dining area, kitchen and both staircases were to get sanded and then stained.  Once the stain dries, Dave planned on putting down one coat of shellac.  He thought this would be best to help protect the floor better from the dogs’ nails.  The shellac dries over night, and then on Saturday he would come back and put down the first coat of quick drying oil-based poly urethane.   It would have been impossible for us to stay in the house for the weekend.

Saturday, February 05, 2011

Today Dave stops by the design showroom to tell me he is all done and the stain, shellac and poly have gone down.  His next step will be to come back, screen the floor again and give it another coat of polyurethane before our faux finisher, Tomi Petrella, from ART, etc. comes in to do her magic.  Dave shows me a picture of the finished floor.  Unfortunately the picture is too small, but I am still excited.

Sunday, February 06, 2011

Super Bowl Sunday is here!  We get home around 3:30 and plan our attack as to getting the three dogs into the house.  I open the door and WOW!!  They are exactly the color I had in mind.  Wayne is not too far behind me his reaction is the same!  The floors are dry enough for us to walk on.  I take off my shoes, Wayne gets the dogs and I guide them to their area downstairs.  Wayne unpacks the car and then joins me for a closer inspection of the new floor and new color!   Dave had warned us many time that we would see a difference between the old floor and the new, but the difference in the weaved area was hardly noticeable.  the floors are FANTASTIC!!! 

The entire floor color looks like the area at the bottom of the stairs.

Walls R

Ceiling R

Floors R