Monday, January 3, 2011


Monday, December 27, 2010

We got a little snow last night.  Approximately 30"+.  I was chatting with Isaak’s wife Biana on Facebook last night and she said no problem Isaak would be here today.  We were thinking just the opposite knowing what was coming.

Isaak calls around 8:30 to say he’s not coming.  LOL,  just as we thought!  No one should be out today on the roads.  The network news is telling everyone to stay home, the highways by us are closed because people have been stuck there for the last 9-12 hours, and the acting governor declared a state of emergency for NJ.  Wayne’s office has a 2 hour delayed opening!  Go figure!

Since the township offices are closed I’m sure we will not have our electrical inspection today.  I wonder what this will do to our scheduling.  Time to head out a shovel the drifting snow again!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The plow came through only once yesterday and left a huge 4-5’ pile of snow in front of my neighbor’s driveway.  Unfortuantely, I parked my car in a neighbor’s driveway before the storm.  So guess who is plowed in?  I think I will wait for the plow to come back and work from home today.  Besides, I am not sure if our office parking lot was plowed yet.

That's my car behind the taxi!

No helper today.  But Isaak was here right on time!  Isaak spends his day tidying up all the rooms from the electrical work.  He is replacing some base moldings, got the cover back on electrical box, and manages to score an electrical inspection for today.  Way to go Isaak!  I was worried that the snow would have pushed us later into the week, but since we shoveled our driveway and walk we were considered an accessible job site and got first dibs.  So many other job sites were not accessible due to the snow.

Mid-afternoon the inspector showed up and we passed with flying colors!


By 3:00 the sun is still shining, the roads are melting, and still no plow!  So with the help of my neighbor Laura, we go dig out my car.  Thank you again Laura!  Now the car is finally free, but I have to keep an eye and ear out for the plow so I do not get buried again.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Isaak and his helper are both here at 7:00AM.  Plumbing pipes, t’s, elbows and misc pieces all over the floor as they make their shopping list for what is needed. 

The plow never came through yesterday so I am clear to head to the gym and then the office.  At the office there is a message saying the windows and the doors have arrived; and they want to deliver them today.  Hooray!  I am so glad they are here.  Hopefully Isaak will be able to install them soon.  I guess we will have to go shovel the snow where the windows will be installed.

One heavy door!

Issak calls to let me know only the kitchen windows were delivered.  The window company thought they had delivered the side door and attic windows weeks ago, but I had asked them to wait until the kitchen windows were ready.  Unfortunately the attic windows and side door could not be located at this time.  I hope they find them soon.

Another exciting day when we get home; kitchen windows and French door are here and the plumbing is started!  Whoo hoo!!!  New waste lines have been installed.  The powder room is starting to look more like a bathroom.

Powder Room waste lines

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Continuing to install plumbing fittings, Isaak works on installing and connecting the vents.  To our amazement, there was not a vent for the old toilet.  It was connected to the main waste line over 8’ away, which is huge code breaker these days.

Kitchen sink drain and vent

Kitchen drain below


Saturday, January 1, 2011


2011 the year of the kitchen!

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