Wednesday, December 1, 2010


MONDAY, 11/22/10 - Not only was the exterior sheathing rotted away, but so was the sill plate.  Isaak spent the day jacking up the end of the house to replace the sill and sister the existing 2 x 4’s.   Just another typical Monday!  I can feel a cold coming on.

The exterior walls of the Powder Room repaired!

TUESDAY, 11/23/10 – Isaak’s helper is well enough to come pick up his paycheck.  I don’t think we’ll be seeing him again since he has his check.

Isaak spends his day removing windows and framing them out according to the rough openings of the new windows.  Since the new windows have not arrived, Isaak covers the rough openings with plywood, making the kitchen very dark inside. 

First window gone!  Parsley still going strong!

WEDNESDAY, 11/24/10 – A very slow morning for me, I am feeling worse and try to sleep in a little; but this is very hard to do when your GC is working one floor away.  I am looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow, which is Thanksgiving!

The New Powder Room!

The Powder Room window has been framed.

Wayne's Window over the future sink.

Isaak has removed the large double window and the new powder room has been completely framed.  Another step of progress!   This is a short week for everyone.  I will spend the time this weekend getting this blog started.  Finally! 

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